Thursday, September 10, 2009

Troy's Portrait Gallery

Troy, stretching his legs and sightseeing in New York

LIBERTY! And Troy's loving it!!

Troy, cosy in fostercare with Ria in
New Jersey, before his trip on to Massachusetts.

Wed, 30 Sept 09: Troy safely arrives in New York, on time - and is greeted by Emma (Joe's wife) and Ria who will be taking Troy home for a day and a night of New York style hospitality!

Friends from ASD visit Troy to play and give the lad a scrubbing before he leaves, and to hug and kiss him 'adieu, farewell, so long'

Troy at ASD Shelter : 29 August 09

9 Sept 09: East Coast Park

1 comment:

  1. Oh Troy, don't give that snobbish look!
    Ok ok, i've nver been to US..... yet!
